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1 ---------------------------------
2 --- @file dpdk.lua
3 --- @brief DPDK ...
4 --- @todo TODO docu
5 ---------------------------------
7 --- high-level dpdk wrapper
8 local mod = {}
9 local ffi = require "ffi"
10 local dpdkc = require "dpdkc"
11 local serpent = require "Serpent"
13 -- DPDK constants (lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.h)
14 -- TODO: import more constants here
15 mod.PKT_RX_VLAN_PKT = 0x0001
16 mod.PKT_RX_IEEE1588_TMST = 0x0400
17 mod.PKT_RX_IPSEC_SECP = 0x0800
18 mod.PKT_RX_SECERR_LSB = 0x1000
19 mod.PKT_RX_SECERR_MSB = 0x2000
21 mod.PKT_TX_IPV4_CSUM = 0x1000
22 mod.PKT_TX_TCP_CKSUM = 0x2000
23 mod.PKT_TX_UDP_CKSUM = 0x6000
24 mod.PKT_TX_NO_CRC_CSUM = 0x0001
25 mod.PKT_TX_IPSEC = 0x0002
26 mod.PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT = 0x0800
27 mod.PKT_TX_IEEE1588_TMST = 0x8000
29 local function fileExists(f)
30  local file =, "r")
31  if file then
32  file:close()
33  end
34  return not not file
35 end
37 local cores
39 --- Inits DPDK. Called by MoonGen on startup.
40 function mod.init()
41  -- register drivers
42  dpdkc.register_pmd_drivers()
43  -- TODO: support arbitrary dpdk configurations by allowing configuration in the form ["cmdLine"] = "foo"
44  local cfgFileLocations = {
45  "./dpdk-conf.lua",
46  "./lua/dpdk-conf.lua",
47  "../lua/dpdk-conf.lua",
48  "/etc/moongen/dpdk-conf.lua"
49  }
50  local cfg
51  for _, f in ipairs(cfgFileLocations) do
52  if fileExists(f) then
53  cfgScript = loadfile(f)
54  setfenv(cfgScript, setmetatable({ DPDKConfig = function(arg) cfg = arg end }, { __index = _G }))
55  local ok, err = pcall(cfgScript)
56  if not ok then
57  print("could not load DPDK config: " .. err)
58  return false
59  end
60  if not cfg then
61  print("config file does not contain DPDKConfig statement")
62  return false
63  end
64 = f
65  break
66  end
67  end
68  if not cfg then
69  print("no DPDK config found, using defaults")
70  cfg = {}
71  end
72  local coreMask
73  if not cfg.cores then
74  -- default: use all the cores
75  local cpus ="/proc/cpuinfo", "r")
76  cfg.cores = {}
77  for cpu in cpus:read("*a"):gmatch("processor : (%d+)") do
78  cfg.cores[#cfg.cores + 1] = tonumber(cpu)
79  end
80  cpus:close()
81  end
82  if type(cfg.cores) == "number" then
83  coreMask = cfg.cores
84  cores = {}
85  -- TODO: support more than 32 cores but bit operations on 64 bit types are currently not supported in luajit
86  for i = 0, 31 do
87  if, bit.lshift(1, i)) ~= 0 then
88  cores[#cores + 1] = i
89  end
90  end
91  if cfg.cores >= 2^32 then
92  print("Warning: more than 32 cores are currently not supported in bitmask format, sorry")
93  print("Use a table as a work-around")
94  return
95  end
96  elseif type(cfg.cores) == "table" then
97  cores = cfg.cores
98  coreMask = 0
99  for i, v in ipairs(cores) do
100  coreMask = coreMask + 2^v
101  end
102  end
103  local argv = { "MoonGen" }
104  if cfg.noHugeTlbFs then
105  argv[#argv + 1] = "--no-huge"
106  end
107  argv[#argv + 1] = ("-c0x%X"):format(coreMask)
108  argv[#argv + 1] = "-n" .. (cfg.memoryChannels or 4) -- todo: auto-detect
109  local argc = #argv
110  dpdkc.rte_eal_init(argc,"const char*[?]", argc, argv))
111  return true
112 end
114 ffi.cdef[[
115  void launch_lua_core(int core, uint64_t task_id, char* userscript, char* args);
117  void free(void* ptr);
118  uint64_t generate_task_id();
119  void store_result(uint64_t task_id, char* result);
120  char* get_result(uint64_t task_id);
121 ]]
123 local function checkCore()
124  if MOONGEN_TASK_NAME ~= "master" then
125  error("[ERROR] This function is only available on the master task.", 2)
126  end
127 end
129 local task = {}
130 task.__index = task
132 local tasks = {}
134 function task:new(core)
135  checkCore()
136  local obj = setmetatable({
137  -- double instead of uint64_t is easier here and okay (unless you want to start more than 2^53 tasks)
138  id = tonumber(ffi.C.generate_task_id()),
139  core = core
140  }, task)
141  tasks[core] = obj
142  return obj
143 end
145 --- Wait for a task and return any arguments returned by the task
146 function task:wait()
147  checkCore()
148  while true do
149  if dpdkc.rte_eal_get_lcore_state(self.core) ~= dpdkc.RUNNING then
150  -- task is finished
151  local result = dpdkc.get_result(
152  if result == nil then
153  -- thread crashed :(
154  return
155  end
156  local resultString = ffi.string(result)
158  return unpackAll(loadstring(resultString)())
159  end
160  ffi.C.usleep(100)
161  end
162 end
164 function task:isRunning()
165  checkCore()
166  if not tasks[self.core] or task[self.core].id ~= then
167  -- something else or nothing is running on this core
168  return false
169  end
170  -- this task is still on this cora, but is it still running?
171  return dpdkc.rte_eal_get_lcore_state(core) == dpdkc.RUNNING
172 end
175 --- Launch a LuaJIT VM on a core with the given arguments.
176 --- TODO: use proper serialization and only pass strings
177 function mod.launchLuaOnCore(core, ...)
178  checkCore()
179  local args = serpent.dump({ ... })
180  local task = task:new(core)
181  local buf ="char[?]", #args + 1)
182  ffi.copy(buf, args)
183  local userscript ="char[?]", #mod.userScript + 1)
184  ffi.copy(userscript, mod.userScript)
185  dpdkc.launch_lua_core(core,, userscript, buf)
186  return task
187 end
189 --- launches the lua file on the first free core
190 function mod.launchLua(...)
191  checkCore()
192  for i = 2, #cores do -- skip master
193  local core = cores[i]
194  local status = dpdkc.rte_eal_get_lcore_state(core)
195  if status == dpdkc.FINISHED then
196  dpdkc.rte_eal_wait_lcore(core)
197  -- should be guaranteed to be in WAIT state now according to DPDK documentation
198  status = dpdkc.rte_eal_get_lcore_state(core)
199  end
200  if status == dpdkc.WAIT then -- core is in WAIT state
201  return mod.launchLuaOnCore(core, ...)
202  end
203  end
204  error("not enough cores to start this lua task")
205 end
207 ffi.cdef [[
208  int usleep(unsigned int usecs);
209 ]]
211 --- waits until all slave cores have finished their jobs
212 function mod.waitForSlaves()
213  while true do
214  local allCoresFinished = true
215  for i = 2, #cores do -- skip master
216  local core = cores[i]
217  if dpdkc.rte_eal_get_lcore_state(core) == dpdkc.RUNNING then
218  allCoresFinished = false
219  break
220  end
221  end
222  if allCoresFinished then
223  return
224  end
225  ffi.C.usleep(100)
226  end
227 end
229 function mod.getCores()
230  return cores
231 end
233 --- get the CPU's TSC
234 function mod.getCycles()
235  return dpdkc.rte_rdtsc()
236 end
238 --- get the TSC frequency
239 function mod.getCyclesFrequency()
240  return tonumber(dpdkc.rte_get_tsc_hz())
241 end
243 --- gets the time in seconds
244 function mod.getTime()
245  return tonumber(mod.getCycles()) / tonumber(mod.getCyclesFrequency())
246 end
248 --- set total run time of the test (to be called from master core on startup, shared between all cores)
249 function mod.setRuntime(time)
250  dpdkc.set_runtime(time * 1000)
251 end
253 --- Returns false once the app receives SIGTERM or SIGINT, the time set via setRuntime expires, or when a thread calls dpdk.stop().
254 -- @param extraTime additional time in milliseconds before false will be returned
255 function mod.running(extraTime)
256  return dpdkc.is_running(extraTime or 0) == 1 -- luajit-2.0.3 does not like bool return types (TRACE NYI: unsupported C function type)
257 end
259 --- request all tasks to exit
260 function mod.stop()
261  dpdkc.set_runtime(0)
262 end
264 --- Delay by t milliseconds. Note that this does not sleep the actual thread;
265 --- the time is spent in a busy wait loop by DPDK.
266 function mod.sleepMillis(t)
267  dpdkc.rte_delay_ms_export(t)
268 end
270 --- Delay by t microseconds. Note that this does not sleep the actual thread;
271 --- the time is spent in a busy wait loop by DPDK. This means that this sleep
272 --- is somewhat more accurate than relying on the OS.
273 function mod.sleepMicros(t)
274  dpdkc.rte_delay_us_export(t)
275 end
277 --- Sleep by t milliseconds by calling usleep().
278 function mod.sleepMillisIdle(t)
279  ffi.C.usleep(t * 1000)
280 end
282 --- Sleep by t microseconds by calling usleep().
283 function mod.sleepMicrosIdle(t)
284  ffi.C.usleep(t)
285 end
287 --- Get the core and socket id for the current thread
288 function mod.getCore()
289  return dpdkc.get_current_core(), dpdkc.get_current_socket()
290 end
292 function mod.disableBadSocketWarning()
294 end
296 return mod
function mod waitForSlaves()
waits until all slave cores have finished their jobs
local ffi
low-level dpdk wrapper
Definition: dpdkc.lua:6
function mod free(buf)
Free off-heap allocated object.
function pkt dump(bytes)
Dumps the packet data cast to the best fitting packet struct.
function mod new(n)
function task wait()
Wait for a task and return any arguments returned by the task.
local mod
high-level dpdk wrapper
Definition: dpdk.lua:6
function mod config(...)
Configure a device.
function mod init()
Inits DPDK. Called by MoonGen on startup.
function mod launchLuaOnCore(core,...)
Launch a LuaJIT VM on a core with the given arguments.
function mod running(extraTime)
Returns false once the app receives SIGTERM or SIGINT, the time set via setRuntime expires...