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1 ---------------------------------
2 --- @file packet.lua
3 --- @brief Utility functions for packets (rte_mbuf).
4 --- Includes:
5 --- - General functions (timestamping, rate control, ...)
6 --- - Offloading
7 --- - Create packet types
8 ---------------------------------
10 local ffi = require "ffi"
12 require "utils"
13 require "headers"
14 local dpdkc = require "dpdkc"
15 local dpdk = require "dpdk"
17 local bor, band, bnot, rshift, lshift= bit.bor,, bit.bnot, bit.rshift, bit.lshift
18 local istype = ffi.istype
19 local write = io.write
22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 ---- General functions
24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 --- Module for packets (rte_mbuf)
27 local pkt = {}
28 pkt.__index = pkt
30 --- Retrieve the time stamp information.
31 --- @return The timestamp or nil if the packet was not time stamped.
32 function pkt:getTimestamp()
33  if bit.bor(self.ol_flags, dpdk.PKT_RX_IEEE1588_TMST) ~= 0 then
34  -- TODO: support timestamps that are stored in registers instead of the rx buffer
35  local data = ffi.cast("uint32_t* ",
36  -- TODO: this is only tested with the Intel 82580 NIC at the moment
37  -- the datasheet claims that low and high are swapped, but this doesn't seem to be the case
38  -- TODO: check other NICs
39  local low = data[2]
40  local high = data[3]
41  return high * 2^32 + low
42  end
43 end
45 --- Check if the PKT_RX_IEEE1588_TMST flag is set.
46 --- Turns out that this flag is pretty pointless, it does not indicate
47 --- if the packet was actually timestamped, just that it came from a
48 --- queue/filter with timestamping enabled.
49 --- You probably want to use device:hasTimestamp() and check the sequence number.
50 function pkt:hasTimestamp()
51  return bit.bor(self.ol_flags, dpdk.PKT_RX_IEEE1588_TMST) ~= 0
52 end
54 function pkt:getSecFlags()
55  local secp = bit.rshift(, dpdk.PKT_RX_IPSEC_SECP), 11)
56  local secerr = bit.rshift(, bit.bor(dpdk.PKT_RX_SECERR_MSB, dpdk.PKT_RX_SECERR_LSB)), 12)
57  return secp, secerr
58 end
60 --- Offload VLAN tagging to the NIC for this packet.
61 function pkt:setVlan(vlan, pcp, cfi)
62  local tci = vlan + bit.lshift(pcp or 0, 13) + bit.lshift(cfi or 0, 12)
63  self.pkt.vlan_tci = tci
64  self.ol_flags = bit.bor(self.ol_flags, dpdk.PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT)
65 end
67 local VLAN_VALID_MASK = bit.bor(dpdk.PKT_RX_VLAN_PKT, dpdk.PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT)
69 --- Get the VLAN associated with a received packet.
70 function pkt:getVlan()
71  if bit.bor(self.ol_flags, VLAN_VALID_MASK) == 0 then
72  return nil
73  end
74  local tci = self.pkt.vlan_tci
75  return, 0xFFF), bit.rshift(tci, 13),, 12), 1)
76 end
79 --- Set the time to wait before the packet is sent for software rate-controlled send methods.
80 --- @param delay The time to wait before this packet \(in bytes, i.e. 1 == 0.8 nanoseconds on 10 GbE\)
81 function pkt:setDelay(delay)
82  self.pkt.hash.rss = delay
83 end
85 --- @todo TODO docu
86 function pkt:setRate(rate)
87  self.pkt.hash.rss = 10^10 / 8 / (rate * 10^6) - self.pkt.pkt_len - 24
88 end
90 --- @todo TODO does
91 function pkt:setSize(size)
92  self.pkt.pkt_len = size
93  self.pkt.data_len = size
94 end
96 --- Returns the packet data cast to the best fitting packet struct.
97 --- Starting with ethernet header.
98 --- @return packet data as cdata of best fitting packet
99 function pkt:get()
100  return self:getEthernetPacket():resolveLastHeader()
101 end
103 --- Dumps the packet data cast to the best fitting packet struct.
104 --- @param bytes number of bytes to dump, optional
105 function pkt:dump(bytes)
106  self:get():dump(bytes or self.pkt.pkt_len)
107 end
109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
110 ---- IPSec offloading
111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
113 --- Use IPsec offloading.
114 --- @param idx SA_IDX to use
115 --- @param sec_type IPSec type to use ("esp"/"ah")
116 --- @param esp_mode ESP mode to use encrypt(1) or authenticate(0)
117 function pkt:offloadIPSec(idx, sec_type, esp_mode)
118  local mode = esp_mode or 0
119  local t = nil
120  if sec_type == "esp" then
121  t = 1
122  elseif sec_type == "ah" then
123  t = 0
124  else
125  error("Wrong IPSec type (esp/ah)")
126  end
128  -- Set IPSec offload flag in advanced data transmit descriptor.
129  self.ol_flags = bit.bor(self.ol_flags, dpdk.PKT_TX_IPSEC)
131  -- Set 10 bit SA_IDX
132  --if idx < 0 or idx > 1023 then
133  -- error("SA_IDX has to be in range 0-2013")
134  --end
135  --self.ol_ipsec.sec.sa_idx = idx
136 = bit.bor(, bit.lshift(, 0x3FF), 0))
138  -- Set ESP enc/auth mode
139  --if mode ~= 0 and mode ~= 1 then
140  -- error("Wrong IPSec mode")
141  --end
142  --self.ol_ipsec.sec.mode = mode
143 = bit.bor(, bit.lshift(, 0x1), 20))
145  -- Set IPSec ESP/AH type
146  --if sec_type == "esp" then
147  -- self.ol_ipsec.sec.type = 1
148  --elseif sec_type == "ah" then
149  -- self.ol_ipsec.sec.type = 0
150  --else
151  -- error("Wrong IPSec type (esp/ah)")
152  --end
153 = bit.bor(, bit.lshift(, 0x1), 19))
154 end
156 --- Set the ESP trailer length
157 --- @param len ESP Trailer length in bytes
158 function pkt:setESPTrailerLength(len)
159  --Disable range check for performance reasons
160  --if len < 0 or len > 511 then
161  -- error("ESP trailer length has to be in range 0-511")
162  --end
163  --self.ol_ipsec.sec.esp_len = len -- dont use bitfields
164 = bit.bor(, bit.lshift(, 0x1FF), 10))
165 end
167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
168 ---- Checksum offloading
169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
171 --- Instruct the NIC to calculate the IP checksum for this packet.
172 --- @param ipv4 Boolean to decide whether the packet uses IPv4 (set to nil/true) or IPv6 (set to anything else).
173 --- In case it is an IPv6 packet, do nothing (the header has no checksum).
174 --- @param l2_len Length of the layer 2 header in bytes (default 14 bytes for ethernet).
175 --- @param l3_len Length of the layer 3 header in bytes (default 20 bytes for IPv4).
176 function pkt:offloadIPChecksum(ipv4, l2_len, l3_len)
177  -- NOTE: this method cannot be moved to the udpPacket class because it doesn't (and can't) know the pktbuf it belongs to
178  ipv4 = ipv4 == nil or ipv4
179  if ipv4 then
180  l2_len = l2_len or 14
181  l3_len = l3_len or 20
182  self.ol_flags = bit.bor(self.ol_flags, dpdk.PKT_TX_IPV4_CSUM)
183  self.pkt.header_lengths = l2_len * 512 + l3_len
184  end
185 end
187 --- Instruct the NIC to calculate the IP and UDP checksum for this packet.
188 --- @param ipv4 Boolean to decide whether the packet uses IPv4 (set to nil/true) or IPv6 (set to anything else).
189 --- @param l2_len Length of the layer 2 header in bytes (default 14 bytes for ethernet).
190 --- @param l3_len Length of the layer 3 header in bytes (default 20 bytes for IPv4, 40 bytes for IPv6).
191 function pkt:offloadUdpChecksum(ipv4, l2_len, l3_len)
192  -- NOTE: this method cannot be moved to the udpPacket class because it doesn't (and can't) know the pktbuf it belongs to
193  ipv4 = ipv4 == nil or ipv4
194  l2_len = l2_len or 14
195  if ipv4 then
196  l3_len = l3_len or 20
197  self.ol_flags = bit.bor(self.ol_flags, dpdk.PKT_TX_IPV4_CSUM, dpdk.PKT_TX_UDP_CKSUM)
198  self.pkt.header_lengths = l2_len * 512 + l3_len
199  -- calculate pseudo header checksum because the NIC doesn't do this...
200  dpdkc.calc_ipv4_pseudo_header_checksum(, 20)
201  else
202  l3_len = l3_len or 40
203  self.ol_flags = bit.bor(self.ol_flags, dpdk.PKT_TX_UDP_CKSUM)
204  self.pkt.header_lengths = l2_len * 512 + l3_len
205  -- calculate pseudo header checksum because the NIC doesn't do this...
206  dpdkc.calc_ipv6_pseudo_header_checksum(, 30)
207  end
208 end
210 --- Instruct the NIC to calculate the IP and TCP checksum for this packet.
211 --- @param ipv4 Boolean to decide whether the packet uses IPv4 (set to nil/true) or IPv6 (set to anything else).
212 --- @param l2_len Length of the layer 2 header in bytes (default 14 bytes for ethernet).
213 --- @param l3_len Length of the layer 3 header in bytes (default 20 bytes for IPv4, 40 bytes for IPv6).
214 function pkt:offloadTcpChecksum(ipv4, l2_len, l3_len)
215  -- NOTE: this method cannot be moved to the udpPacket class because it doesn't (and can't) know the pktbuf it belongs to
216  ipv4 = ipv4 == nil or ipv4
217  l2_len = l2_len or 14
218  if ipv4 then
219  l3_len = l3_len or 20
220  self.ol_flags = bit.bor(self.ol_flags, dpdk.PKT_TX_IPV4_CSUM, dpdk.PKT_TX_TCP_CKSUM)
221  self.pkt.header_lengths = l2_len * 512 + l3_len
222  -- calculate pseudo header checksum because the NIC doesn't do this...
223  dpdkc.calc_ipv4_pseudo_header_checksum(, 25)
224  else
225  l3_len = l3_len or 40
226  self.ol_flags = bit.bor(self.ol_flags, dpdk.PKT_TX_TCP_CKSUM)
227  self.pkt.header_lengths = l2_len * 512 + l3_len
228  -- calculate pseudo header checksum because the NIC doesn't do this...
229  dpdkc.calc_ipv6_pseudo_header_checksum(, 35)
230  end
231 end
233 --- @todo TODO docu
234 function pkt:enableTimestamps()
235  self.ol_flags = bit.bor(self.ol_flags, dpdk.PKT_TX_IEEE1588_TMST)
236 end
239 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
240 ---- Create new packet type
241 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
243 -- functions of the packet
244 local packetGetHeaders
245 local packetGetHeader
246 local packetDump
247 local packetFill
248 local packetGet
251 local packetMakeStruct
253 --- Create struct and functions for a new packet.
254 --- For implemented headers (see proto/) these packets are defined in the section 'Packet struct' of each protocol file
255 --- @param args list of keywords (see makeStruct)
256 --- @return returns the constructor/cast function for this packet
257 --- @see packetMakeStruct
258 function packetCreate(...)
259  local args = { ... }
261  local packet = {}
262  packet.__index = packet
264  -- create struct
265  local packetName, ctype = packetMakeStruct(args)
266  if not packetName then
267  printf("WARNING: Failed to create new packet type.")
268  return
269  end
271  -- functions of the packet
272  packet.getArgs = function() return args end
274  packet.getName = function() return packetName end
276  packet.getHeaders = packetGetHeaders
278  packet.getHeader = packetGetHeader
280  packet.dump = packetDump
282  packet.fill = packetFill
284  packet.get = packetGet
286  packet.resolveLastHeader = packetResolveLastHeader
288  -- runtime critical function, load specific code during runtime
289  packet.setLength = packetSetLength(args)
291  -- functions for manual (not offloaded) checksum calculations
292  -- runtime critical function, load specific code during runtime
293  packet.calculateChecksums = packetCalculateChecksums(args)
295  for _, v in ipairs(args) do
296  local header, member = getHeaderMember(v)
297  -- if the header has a checksum, add a function to calculate it
298  if header == "ip4" or header == "icmp" then -- FIXME NYI or header == "udp" or header == "tcp" then
299  local key = 'calculate' .. member:gsub("^.", string.upper) .. 'Checksum'
300  packet[key] = function(self) self:getHeader(v):calculateChecksum() end
301  end
302  end
305  -- add functions to packet
306  ffi.metatype(packetName, packet)
308  -- return 'get'/'cast' for this kind of packet
309  return function(self) return ctype( end
310 end
312 --- Get the name of the header and the name of the respective member of a packet
313 --- @param v Either the name of the header (then the member has the same name), or a table { header, member }
314 --- @return Name of the header
315 --- @return Name of the member
316 function getHeaderMember(v)
317  if type(v) == "table" then
318  return v[1], v[2]
319  else
320  -- only the header name
321  -- special alias for ethernet
322  if v == "ethernet" or v == "eth" then
323  return "ethernet", "eth"
324  else
325  -- otherwise header name = member name
326  return v, v
327  end
328  end
329 end
331 --- Get all headers of a packet as list.
332 --- @param self The packet
333 --- @return Table of members of the packet
334 function packetGetHeaders(self)
335  local headers = {}
336  for i, v in ipairs(self:getArgs()) do
337  headers[i] = packetGetHeader(self, v)
338  end
339  return headers
340 end
342 --- Get the specified header of a packet (e.g. self.eth).
343 --- @param self the packet (cdata)
344 --- @param h header to be returned
345 --- @return The member of the packet
346 function packetGetHeader(self, h)
347  local _, member = getHeaderMember(h)
348  return self[member]
349 end
351 --- Print a hex dump of a packet.
352 --- @param self the packet
353 --- @param bytes Number of bytes to dump. If no size is specified the payload is truncated.
354 function packetDump(self, bytes)
355  bytes = bytes or ffi.sizeof(self:getName())
357  -- print timestamp
358  write(getTimeMicros())
360  -- headers in cleartext
361  for i, v in ipairs(self:getHeaders()) do
362  local str = v:getString()
363  if i == 1 then write(" " .. str .. "\n") else print(str) end
364  end
366  -- hex dump
367  dumpHex(self, bytes)
368 end
370 --- Set all members of all headers.
371 --- Per default, all members are set to default values specified in the respective set function.
372 --- Optional named arguments can be used to set a member to a user-provided value.
373 --- The argument 'pktLength' can be used to automatically calculate and set the length member of headers (e.g. ip header).
374 --- @code
375 --- fill() --- only default values
376 --- fill{ ethSrc="12:23:34:45:56:67", ipTTL=100 } --- all members are set to default values with the exception of ethSrc and ipTTL
377 --- fill{ pktLength=64 } --- only default values, length members of the headers are adjusted
378 --- @endcode
379 --- @param self The packet
380 --- @param args Table of named arguments. For a list of available arguments see "See also"
381 --- @note This function is slow. If you want to modify members of a header during a time critical section of your script use the respective setters.
382 function packetFill(self, namedArgs)
383  namedArgs = namedArgs or {}
384  local headers = self:getHeaders()
385  local args = self:getArgs()
386  local accumulatedLength = 0
387  for i, v in ipairs(headers) do
388  local _, curMember = getHeaderMember(args[i])
389  local nextHeader = getHeaderMember(args[i + 1])
391  namedArgs = v:setDefaultNamedArgs(curMember, namedArgs, nextHeader, accumulatedLength)
392  v:fill(namedArgs, curMember)
394  accumulatedLength = accumulatedLength + ffi.sizeof(v)
395  end
396 end
398 --- Retrieve the values of all members as list of named arguments.
399 --- @param self The packet
400 --- @return Table of named arguments. For a list of arguments see "See also".
401 --- @see packetFill
402 function packetGet(self)
403  local namedArgs = {}
404  local args = self:getArgs()
405  for i, v in ipairs(self:getHeaders()) do
406  local _, member = getHeaderMember(args[i])
407  namedArgs = mergeTables(namedArgs, v:get(member))
408  end
409  return namedArgs
410 end
412 --- Try to find out what the next header in the payload of this packet is.
413 --- This function is only used for buf:get/buf:dump
414 --- @param self The packet
415 function packetResolveLastHeader(self)
416  local name = self:getName()
417  local headers = self:getHeaders()
418  local nextHeader = headers[#headers]:resolveNextHeader()
420  -- unable to resolve: either there is no next header, or MoonGen does not support it yet
421  -- either case, we stop and return current type of packet
422  if not nextHeader then
423  return self
424  else
425  local newName
427  -- we know the next header, append it
428  name = name .. "__" .. nextHeader .. "_"
430  -- if simple struct (headername = membername) already exists we can directly cast
431  nextMember = nextHeader
432  newName = name .. nextMember
434  if not pkt.packetStructs[newName] then
435  -- check if a similar struct with this header order exists
436  newName = name
437  local found = nil
438  for k, v in pairs(pkt.packetStructs) do
439  if string.find(k, newName) and not string.find(string.gsub(k, newName, ""), "__") then
440  -- the type matches and there are no further headers following (which would have been indicated by another "__")
441  found = k
442  break
443  end
444  end
446  if found then
447  newName = found
448  else
449  -- last resort: build new packet type. However, one has to consider that one header
450  -- might occur multiple times! In this case the member must get a new (unique!) name.
451  local args = self:getArgs()
452  local newArgs = {}
453  local counter = 1
454  local newMember = nextMember
456  -- build new args information and in the meantime check for duplicates
457  for i, v in ipairs(args) do
458  local header, member = getHeaderMember(v)
459  if member == newMember then
460  -- found duplicate, increase counter for newMember and keep checking for this one now
461  counter = counter + 1
462  newMember = nextMember .. "_" .. counter
463  -- TODO this assumes that there never will be a <member_X+1> before a <member_X>
464  end
465  newArgs[i] = v
466  end
468  -- add new header and member
469  newArgs[#newArgs + 1] = { nextHeader, newMember }
471  -- create new packet. It is unlikely that exactly this packet type with this made up naming scheme will be used
472  -- Therefore, we don't really want to "safe" the cast function
473  pkt.TMP_PACKET = packetCreate(unpack(newArgs))
475  -- name of the new packet type
476  newName = newName .. newMember
477  end
478  end
480  -- finally, cast the packet to the next better fitting packet type and continue resolving
481  return ffi.cast(newName .. "*", self):resolveLastHeader()
482  end
483 end
485 --- Set length for all headers.
486 --- Necessary when sending variable sized packets.
487 --- @param self The packet
488 --- @param length Length of the packet. Value for respective length member of headers get calculated using this value.
489 function packetSetLength(args)
490  local str = ""
491  -- build the setLength functions for all the headers in this packet type
492  local accumulatedLength = 0
493  for _, v in ipairs(args) do
494  local header, member = getHeaderMember(v)
495  if header == "ip4" or header == "udp" or header == "ptp" then
496  str = str .. [[
497  self.]] .. member .. [[:setLength(length - ]] .. accumulatedLength .. [[)
498  ]]
499  elseif header == "ip6" then
500  str = str .. [[
501  self.]] .. member .. [[:setLength(length - ]] .. accumulatedLength + 40 .. [[)
502  ]]
503  end
504  accumulatedLength = accumulatedLength + ffi.sizeof("struct " .. header .. "_header")
505  end
507  -- build complete function
508  str = [[
509  return function(self, length)]]
510  .. str .. [[
511  end]]
513  -- load new function and return it
514  local func = assert(loadstring(str))()
516  return func
517 end
519 --- Calculate all checksums manually (not offloading them).
520 --- There also exist functions to calculate the checksum of only one header.
521 --- Naming convention: pkt:calculate<member>Checksum() (for all existing packets member = {Ip, Tcp, Udp, Icmp})
522 --- @note Calculating checksums manually is extremely slow compared to offloading this task to the NIC (~65% performance loss at the moment)
523 --- @todo Manual calculation of udp and tcp checksums NYI
524 function packetCalculateChecksums(args)
525  local str = ""
526  for _, v in ipairs(args) do
527  local header, member = getHeaderMember(v)
529  -- if the header has a checksum, call the function
530  if header == "ip4" or header == "icmp" then -- FIXME NYI or header == "udp" or header == "tcp" then
531  str = str .. [[
532  self.]] .. member .. [[:calculateChecksum()
533  ]]
534  end
535  end
537  -- build complete function
538  str = [[
539  return function(self)]]
540  .. str .. [[
541  end]]
543  -- load new function and return it
544  local func = assert(loadstring(str))()
546  return func
547 end
549 --- Table that contains the names and args of all created packet structs
550 pkt.packetStructs = {}
552 -- List all created packet structs enlisted in packetStructs
553 -- Debugging function
554 function listPacketStructs()
555  printf("All available packet structs:")
556  for k, v in pairs(pkt.packetStructs) do
557  printf(k)
558  end
559 end
561 --- Creates a packet struct (cdata) consisting of different headers.
562 --- Simply list the headers in the order you want them to be in a packet.
563 --- If you want the member to be named differently, use the following syntax:
564 --- normal: <header> ; different membername: { <header>, <member> }.
565 --- Supported keywords: eth, arp, ptp, ip, ip6, udp, tcp, icmp
566 --- @code
567 --- makeStruct('eth', { 'ip4', 'ip' }, 'udp') --- creates an UDP packet struct
568 --- --- the ip4 member of the packet is named 'ip'
569 --- @endcode
570 --- The name of the created (internal) struct looks as follows:
571 --- struct __HEADER1_MEMBER1__HEADER2_MEMBER2 ...
572 --- Only the "__" (double underscore) has the special meaning of "a new header starts with name
573 --- <everything until "_" (single underscore)>, followed by the member name <everything after "_"
574 --- until next header starts (indicated by next __)>"
575 --- @param args list of keywords/tables of keyword-member pairs
576 --- @return name name of the struct
577 --- @return ctype ctype of the struct
578 function packetMakeStruct(...)
579  local name = ""
580  local str = ""
582  -- add the specified headers and build the name
583  for _, v in ipairs(...) do
584  local header, member = getHeaderMember(v)
586  -- add header
587  str = str .. [[
588  struct ]] .. header .. '_header ' .. member .. [[;
589  ]]
591  -- build name
592  name = name .. "__" .. header .. "_" .. member
593  end
595  -- add rest of the struct
596  str = [[
597  struct __attribute__((__packed__)) ]]
598  .. name
599  .. [[ {
600  ]]
601  .. str
602  .. [[
603  union payload_t payload;
604  };
605  ]]
607  name = "struct " .. name
609  -- check uniqueness of packet type (name of struct)
610  if pkt.packetStructs[name] then
611  printf("WARNING: Struct with name \"" .. name .. "\" already exists. Skipping.")
612  return
613  else
614  -- add struct definition
615  ffi.cdef(str)
617  -- add to list of existing structs
618  pkt.packetStructs[name] = {...}
620  -- return full name and typeof
621  return name, ffi.typeof(name .. "*")
622  end
623 end
626 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
627 ---- Metatypes
628 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
630 ffi.metatype("struct rte_mbuf", pkt)
632 return pkt
param n optional(default=2047)
Create a new memory pool.
local ffi
low-level dpdk wrapper
Definition: dpdkc.lua:6
function pkt setVlan(vlan, pcp, cfi)
Offload VLAN tagging to the NIC for this packet.
function checksum(data, len)
Calculate a 16 bit checksum.
function getTimeMicros()
Retrieve the system time with microseconds accuracy.
function pkt offloadUdpChecksum(ipv4, l2_len, l3_len)
Instruct the NIC to calculate the IP and UDP checksum for this packet.
function mg_filter_5tuple build(numCategories)
Builds the filter with the currently added rules.
function ahHeader setLength(int)
Set the Length.
function packetCreate(...)
Create struct and functions for a new packet.
function ipsecICV getString(doByteSwap)
Get the IPsec string.
pkt getEthernetPacket
Cast the packet to an ethernet packet.
Definition: ethernet.lua:174
function mod band(mask1, mask2, result)
Bitwise and.
function range(max, start,...)
Return all integerss in the range [start, max].
function pkt dump(bytes)
Dumps the packet data cast to the best fitting packet struct.
function ipsecICV set(icv)
Set the IPsec ICV.
function mod new(n)
function pkt enableTimestamps()
local udp
Udp protocol constants.
Definition: udp.lua:23
function mod bor(mask1, mask2, result)
Bitwise or.
function pkt setDelay(delay)
Set the time to wait before the packet is sent for software rate-controlled send methods.
function icmpHeader calculateChecksum(len)
Calculate the checksum.
function packetFill(self, namedArgs)
Set all members of all headers.
function pkt get()
Returns the packet data cast to the best fitting packet struct.
function mergeTables(...)
Merge tables.
function getHeaderMember(v)
Get the name of the header and the name of the respective member of a packet.
function printf(str,...)
Print a formatted string.
function ahHeader fill(args, pre)
Set all members of the ah header.
function pkt hasTimestamp()
Check if the PKT_RX_IEEE1588_TMST flag is set.
function pkt setRate(rate)
function ip4Addr add(val)
Add a number to an IPv4 address in-place.
function dumpHex(data, bytes)
Print a hex dump of cdata.
function mod stop()
request all tasks to exit
function pkt setESPTrailerLength(len)
Set the ESP trailer length.
function packetDump(self, bytes)
Print a hex dump of a packet.
local eth
Ethernet protocol constants.
Definition: ethernet.lua:24
function packetMakeStruct(...)
Creates a packet struct (cdata) consisting of different headers.
function pkt offloadTcpChecksum(ipv4, l2_len, l3_len)
Instruct the NIC to calculate the IP and TCP checksum for this packet.
function pkt getTimestamp()
Retrieve the time stamp information.
local ip
IP4 protocol constants.
Definition: ip4.lua:25
function packetGetHeader(self, h)
Get the specified header of a packet (e.g.
function packetResolveLastHeader(self)
Try to find out what the next header in the payload of this packet is.
function pkt offloadIPSec(idx, sec_type, esp_mode)
Use IPsec offloading.
function packetCalculateChecksums(args)
Calculate all checksums manually (not offloading them).
local pkt
Module for packets (rte_mbuf)
Definition: packet.lua:20
function mod bnot(mask, result)
Bitwise not.
function pkt getVlan()
Get the VLAN associated with a received packet.
Create a new array of memory buffers (initialized to nil).
Definition: memory.lua:76
function ahHeader setDefaultNamedArgs(pre, namedArgs, nextHeader, accumulatedLength)
Change the default values for namedArguments (for fill/get) This can be used to for instance calculat...
function packetGet(self)
Retrieve the values of all members as list of named arguments.
function pkt setSize(size)
function packetGetHeaders(self)
Get all headers of a packet as list.
local icmp
Icmp4 protocol constants.
Definition: icmp.lua:25
function packetSetLength(args)
Set length for all headers.
function pkt offloadIPChecksum(ipv4, l2_len, l3_len)
Instruct the NIC to calculate the IP checksum for this packet.