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1 ---------------------------------
2 --- @file stats.lua
3 --- @brief Stats ...
4 --- @todo TODO docu
5 ---------------------------------
7 local mod = {}
9 local dpdk = require "dpdk"
10 local device = require "device"
12 function mod.average(data)
13  local sum = 0
14  for i, v in ipairs(data) do
15  sum = sum + v
16  end
17  return sum / #data
18 end
20 function mod.median(data)
21  return mod.percentile(data, 50)
22 end
24 function mod.percentile(data, p)
25  local sortedData = { }
26  for k, v in ipairs(data) do
27  sortedData[k] = v
28  end
29  table.sort(sortedData)
30  return data[math.ceil(#data * p / 100)]
31 end
33 function mod.stdDev(data)
34  local avg = mod.average(data)
35  local sum = 0
36  for i, v in ipairs(data) do
37  sum = sum + (v - avg) ^ 2
38  end
39  return (sum / (#data - 1)) ^ 0.5
40 end
42 function mod.sum(data)
43  local sum = 0
44  for i, v in ipairs(data) do
45  sum = sum + v
46  end
47  return sum
48 end
50 function mod.addStats(data, ignoreFirstAndLast)
51  local copy = { }
52  if ignoreFirstAndLast then
53  for i = 2, #data - 1 do
54  copy[i - 1] = data[i]
55  end
56  else
57  for i = 1, #data do
58  copy[i] = data[i]
59  end
60  end
61  data.avg = mod.average(copy)
62  data.stdDev = mod.stdDev(copy)
63  data.median = mod.median(copy)
64  data.sum = mod.sum(copy)
65 end
67 local function getPlainUpdate(direction)
68  return function(stats, file, total, mpps, mbit, wireMbit)
69  file:write(("[%s] %s %d packets, current rate %.2f Mpps, %.2f MBit/s, %.2f MBit/s wire rate.\n"):format(, direction, total, mpps, mbit, wireMbit))
70  file:flush()
71  end
72 end
74 local function getPlainFinal(direction)
75  return function(stats, file)
76  file:write(("[%s] %s %d packets with %d bytes payload (including CRC).\n"):format(, direction,, stats.totalBytes))
77  file:write(("[%s] %s %f (StdDev %f) Mpps, %f (StdDev %f) MBit/s, %f (StdDev %f) MBit/s wire rate on average.\n"):format(
78, direction,
79  stats.mpps.avg, stats.mpps.stdDev,
80  stats.mbit.avg, stats.mbit.stdDev,
81  stats.wireMbit.avg, stats.wireMbit.stdDev
82  ))
83  file:flush()
84  end
85 end
87 local function getIniUpdate(direction)
88  return function(stats, file, total, mpps, mbit, wireMbit)
89  file:write(("%s%s,packets=%d,rate=%.2f,rate_mbits=%.2f,rate_wire=%.2f\n"):format(, direction, total, mpps, mbit, wireMbit))
90  file:flush()
91  end
92 end
94 local function getIniFinal(direction)
95  return function(stats, file)
96  file:write(("%sTotal%s,packets=%d,bytes=%d,rate=%f,rate_dev=%f,rate_mbits=%f,rate_mbits_dev=%f,rate_wire=%f,rate_wire_dev=%f.\n"):format(
97, direction,
98, stats.totalBytes,
99  stats.mpps.avg, stats.mpps.stdDev,
100  stats.mbit.avg, stats.mbit.stdDev,
101  stats.wireMbit.avg, stats.wireMbit.stdDev
102  ))
103  file:flush()
104  end
105 end
106 local formatters = {}
107 formatters["plain"] = {
108  rxStatsInit = function() end, -- nothing for plain, machine-readable formats can print a header here
109  rxStatsUpdate = getPlainUpdate("Received"),
110  rxStatsFinal = getPlainFinal("Received"),
112  txStatsInit = function() end,
113  txStatsUpdate = getPlainUpdate("Sent"),
114  txStatsFinal = getPlainFinal("Sent"),
115 }
117 -- Formatter that does nothing
118 formatters["nil"] = {
119  rxStatsInit = function() end,
120  rxStatsUpdate = function() end,
121  rxStatsFinal = function() end,
123  txStatsInit = function() end,
124  txStatsUpdate = function() end,
125  txStatsFinal = function () end,
126 }
128 -- Ini-Like Formatting
129 formatters["ini"] = {
130  rxStatsInit = function() end,
131  rxStatsUpdate = getIniUpdate("Received"),
132  rxStatsFinal = getIniFinal("Received"),
134  txStatsInit = function() end,
135  txStatsUpdate = getIniUpdate("Sent"),
136  txStatsFinal = getIniFinal("Sent"),
137 }
139 formatters["CSV"] = formatters["plain"] -- TODO
141 --- base constructor for rx and tx counters
142 local function newCounter(ctrType, name, dev, format, file)
143  format = format or "CSV"
144  file = file or io.stdout
145  local closeFile = false
146  if type(file) == "string" then
147  file ="w+")
148  closeFile = true
149  end
150  if not formatters[format] then
151  error("unsupported output format " .. format)
152  end
153  return {
154  name = name,
155  dev = dev,
156  format = format,
157  file = file,
158  closeFile = closeFile,
159  total = 0,
160  totalBytes = 0,
161  current = 0,
162  currentBytes = 0,
163  mpps = {},
164  mbit = {},
165  wireMbit = {},
166  }
167 end
169 -- base class for rx and tx counters
171 local function printStats(self, statsType, event, ...)
172  local func = formatters[self.format][statsType .. event]
173  if func then
174  func(self, self.file, ...)
175  else
176  print("[Missing formatter for " .. self.format .. "]",, statsType, event, ...)
177  end
178 end
180 local function updateCounter(self, time, pkts, bytes, dontPrint)
181  if not self.lastUpdate then
182  -- first call, save current stats but do not print anything
183, self.totalBytes = pkts, bytes
184  self.lastTotal =
185  self.lastTotalBytes = self.totalBytes
186  self.lastUpdate = time
187  self:print("Init")
188  return
189  end
190  local elapsed = time - self.lastUpdate
191  self.lastUpdate = time
192 = + pkts
193  self.totalBytes = self.totalBytes + bytes
194  local mpps = ( - self.lastTotal) / elapsed / 10^6
195  local mbit = (self.totalBytes - self.lastTotalBytes) / elapsed / 10^6 * 8
196  local wireRate = mbit + (mpps * 20 * 8)
197  if not dontPrint then
198  self:print("Update",, mpps, mbit, wireRate)
199  end
200  table.insert(self.mpps, mpps)
201  table.insert(self.mbit, mbit)
202  table.insert(self.wireMbit, wireRate)
203  self.lastTotal =
204  self.lastTotalBytes = self.totalBytes
205 end
207 local function getStats(self)
208  mod.addStats(self.mpps, true)
209  mod.addStats(self.mbit, true)
210  mod.addStats(self.wireMbit, true)
211  return self.mpps, self.mbit, self.wireMbit,, self.totalBytes
212 end
214 local function finalizeCounter(self, sleep)
215  -- wait for any remaining packets to arrive/be sent if necessary
216  dpdk.sleepMillis(sleep)
217  -- last stats are probably complete nonsense, especially if sleep ~= 0
218  -- we just do this to get the correct totals
219  local pkts, bytes = self:getThroughput()
220  updateCounter(self, dpdk.getTime(), pkts, bytes, true)
221  mod.addStats(self.mpps, true)
222  mod.addStats(self.mbit, true)
223  mod.addStats(self.wireMbit, true)
224  self:print("Final")
225  if self.closeFile then
226  self.file:close()
227  end
228 end
231 local rxCounter = {} -- base class
232 local devRxCounter = setmetatable({}, rxCounter)
233 local pktRxCounter = setmetatable({}, rxCounter)
234 local manualRxCounter = setmetatable({}, rxCounter)
235 rxCounter.__index = rxCounter
236 devRxCounter.__index = devRxCounter
237 pktRxCounter.__index = pktRxCounter
238 manualRxCounter.__index = manualRxCounter
240 --- Create a new rx counter using device statistics registers.
241 --- @param name the name of the counter, included in the output. defaults to the device name
242 --- @param dev the device to track
243 --- @param format the output format, "CSV" (default) and "plain" are currently supported
244 --- @param file the output file, defaults to standard out
245 function mod:newDevRxCounter(name, dev, format, file)
246  if type(name) == "table" then
247  return self:newDevRxCounter(nil, name, dev, format)
248  end
249  -- use device if queue objects are passed
250  dev = dev and or dev
251  if type(dev) ~= "table" then
252  error("bad device")
253  end
254  name = name or tostring(dev):sub(2, -2) -- strip brackets as they are added by the 'plain' output again
255  local obj = newCounter("dev", name, dev, format, file)
256  obj.sleep = 100
257  return setmetatable(obj, devRxCounter)
258 end
260 --- Create a new rx counter that can be updated by passing packet buffers to it.
261 --- @param name the name of the counter, included in the output
262 --- @param format the output format, "CSV" (default) and "plain" are currently supported
263 --- @param file the output file, defaults to standard out
264 function mod:newPktRxCounter(name, format, file)
265  local obj = newCounter("pkt", name, nil, format, file)
266  return setmetatable(obj, pktRxCounter)
267 end
269 --- Create a new rx counter that has to be updated manually.
270 --- @param name the name of the counter, included in the output
271 --- @param format the output format, "CSV" (default) and "plain" are currently supported
272 --- @param file the output file, defaults to standard out
273 function mod:newManualRxCounter(name, format, file)
274  local obj = newCounter("manual", name, nil, format, file)
275  return setmetatable(obj, manualRxCounter)
276 end
278 --- Base class
279 function rxCounter:finalize(sleep)
280  finalizeCounter(self, self.sleep or 0)
281 end
283 function rxCounter:print(event, ...)
284  printStats(self, "rxStats", event, ...)
285 end
287 function rxCounter:update()
288  local time = dpdk.getTime()
289  if self.lastUpdate and time <= self.lastUpdate + 1 then
290  return
291  end
292  local pkts, bytes = self:getThroughput()
293  updateCounter(self, time, pkts, bytes)
294 end
296 function rxCounter:getStats()
297  -- force an update
298  local pkts, bytes = self:getThroughput()
299  updateCounter(self, dpdk.getTime(), pkts, bytes, true)
300  return getStats(self)
301 end
303 --- Device-based counter
304 function devRxCounter:getThroughput()
305  return
306 end
308 --- Packet-based counter
309 function pktRxCounter:countPacket(buf)
310  self.current = self.current + 1
311  self.currentBytes = self.currentBytes + buf.pkt.pkt_len + 4 -- include CRC
312 end
314 function pktRxCounter:getThroughput()
315  local pkts, bytes = self.current, self.currentBytes
316  self.current, self.currentBytes = 0, 0
317  return pkts, bytes
318 end
321 --- Manual rx counter
322 function manualRxCounter:update(pkts, bytes)
323  self.current = self.current + pkts
324  self.currentBytes = self.currentBytes + bytes
325  local time = dpdk.getTime()
326  if self.lastUpdate and time <= self.lastUpdate + 1 then
327  return
328  end
329  local pkts, bytes = self:getThroughput()
330  updateCounter(self, time, pkts, bytes)
331 end
333 function manualRxCounter:getThroughput()
334  local pkts, bytes = self.current, self.currentBytes
335  self.current, self.currentBytes = 0, 0
336  return pkts, bytes
337 end
339 function manualRxCounter:updateWithSize(pkts, size)
340  self.current = self.current + pkts
341  self.currentBytes = self.currentBytes + pkts * (size + 4)
342  local time = dpdk.getTime()
343  if self.lastUpdate and time <= self.lastUpdate + 1 then
344  return
345  end
346  local pkts, bytes = self:getThroughput()
347  updateCounter(self, time, pkts, bytes)
348 end
351 local txCounter = {} -- base class for tx counters
352 local devTxCounter = setmetatable({}, txCounter)
353 local pktTxCounter = setmetatable({}, txCounter)
354 local manualTxCounter = setmetatable({}, txCounter)
355 txCounter.__index = txCounter
356 devTxCounter.__index = devTxCounter
357 pktTxCounter.__index = pktTxCounter
358 manualTxCounter.__index = manualTxCounter
360 --- Create a new tx counter using device statistics registers.
361 --- @param name the name of the counter, included in the output. defaults to the device name
362 --- @param dev the device to track
363 --- @param format the output format, "CSV" (default) and "plain" are currently supported
364 --- @param file the output file, defaults to standard out
365 function mod:newDevTxCounter(name, dev, format, file)
366  if type(name) == "table" then
367  return self:newDevTxCounter(nil, name, dev, format)
368  end
369  -- use device if queue objects are passed
370  dev = dev and or dev
371  if type(dev) ~= "table" then
372  error("bad device")
373  end
374  name = name or tostring(dev):sub(2, -2) -- strip brackets as they are added by the 'plain' output again
375  local obj = newCounter("dev", name, dev, format, file)
376  obj.sleep = 50
377  return setmetatable(obj, devTxCounter)
378 end
380 --- Create a new tx counter that can be updated by passing packet buffers to it.
381 --- @param name the name of the counter, included in the output
382 --- @param format the output format, "CSV" (default) and "plain" are currently supported
383 --- @param file the output file, defaults to standard out
384 function mod:newPktTxCounter(name, format, file)
385  local obj = newCounter("pkt", name, nil, format, file)
386  return setmetatable(obj, pktTxCounter)
387 end
389 --- Create a new tx counter that has to be updated manually.
390 --- @param name the name of the counter, included in the output
391 --- @param format the output format, "CSV" (default) and "plain" are currently supported
392 --- @param file the output file, defaults to standard out
393 function mod:newManualTxCounter(name, format, file)
394  local obj = newCounter("manual", name, nil, format, file)
395  return setmetatable(obj, manualTxCounter)
396 end
398 --- Base class
399 function txCounter:finalize(sleep)
400  finalizeCounter(self, self.sleep or 0)
401 end
403 function txCounter:print(event, ...)
404  printStats(self, "txStats", event, ...)
405 end
407 --- Device-based counter
408 function txCounter:update()
409  local time = dpdk.getTime()
410  if self.lastUpdate and time <= self.lastUpdate + 1 then
411  return
412  end
413  local pkts, bytes = self:getThroughput()
414  updateCounter(self, time, pkts, bytes)
415 end
417 --- Get accumulated statistics.
418 --- Calculat the average throughput.
419 function txCounter:getStats()
420  -- force an update
421  local pkts, bytes = self:getThroughput()
422  updateCounter(self, dpdk.getTime(), pkts, bytes, true)
423  return getStats(self)
424 end
426 function devTxCounter:getThroughput()
427  return
428 end
430 --- Packet-based counter
431 function pktTxCounter:countPacket(buf)
432  self.current = self.current + 1
433  self.currentBytes = self.currentBytes + buf.pkt.pkt_len + 4 -- include CRC
434 end
436 function pktTxCounter:getThroughput()
437  local pkts, bytes = self.current, self.currentBytes
438  self.current, self.currentBytes = 0, 0
439  return pkts, bytes
440 end
442 --- Manual rx counter
443 function manualTxCounter:update(pkts, bytes)
444  self.current = self.current + pkts
445  self.currentBytes = self.currentBytes + bytes
446  local time = dpdk.getTime()
447  if self.lastUpdate and time <= self.lastUpdate + 1 then
448  return
449  end
450  local pkts, bytes = self:getThroughput()
451  updateCounter(self, time, pkts, bytes)
452 end
454 function manualTxCounter:updateWithSize(pkts, size)
455  self.current = self.current + pkts
456  self.currentBytes = self.currentBytes + pkts * (size + 4)
457  local time = dpdk.getTime()
458  if self.lastUpdate and time <= self.lastUpdate + 1 then
459  return
460  end
461  local pkts, bytes = self:getThroughput()
462  updateCounter(self, time, pkts, bytes)
463 end
465 function manualTxCounter:getThroughput()
466  local pkts, bytes = self.current, self.currentBytes
467  self.current, self.currentBytes = 0, 0
468  return pkts, bytes
469 end
471 return mod
function mod sleepMillis(t)
Delay by t milliseconds.
function mod newDevTxCounter(name, dev, format, file)
Create a new tx counter using device statistics registers.
function mod newPktRxCounter(name, format, file)
Create a new rx counter that can be updated by passing packet buffers to it.
function pktRxCounter countPacket(buf)
Packet-based counter.
function rxCounter update()
Device-based counter.
function mod new(n)
function rxCounter finalize(sleep)
Base class.
function mod newManualRxCounter(name, format, file)
Create a new rx counter that has to be updated manually.
function mod newDevRxCounter(name, dev, format, file)
Create a new rx counter using device statistics registers.
local mod
high-level dpdk wrapper
Definition: dpdk.lua:6
local function newCounter(ctrType, name, dev, format, file)
base constructor for rx and tx counters
function mod newManualTxCounter(name, format, file)
Create a new tx counter that has to be updated manually.
function devRxCounter getThroughput()
Device-based counter.
function mod getTime()
gets the time in seconds
local pkt
Module for packets (rte_mbuf)
Definition: packet.lua:20
Create a new array of memory buffers (initialized to nil).
Definition: memory.lua:76
function rxCounter getStats()
Get accumulated statistics.
function dev getRxStats()
get the number of packets received since the last call to this function
function mod newPktTxCounter(name, format, file)
Create a new tx counter that can be updated by passing packet buffers to it.